
Friday 22 June 2012


Yes, you read it correctly. It’s not a typo error. You can walk your way to wealth because you are going to save money in terms of reducing the number of outpatient visits to the doctor and reducing the need for hospitalisation, all other factors being equal.

It is a cheap and convenient way to enjoy health and wealth.

If you do not believe me, take this challenge: Do a baseline blood profile of your fasting glucose and cholesterol before you start a six month’s walking regime. *

Then repeat the above blood tests after six months and watch the improvement of the blood indices. Also, watch how you improve subjectively in terms of your mood, outlook and stamina. You may shed some flab in the process.

If you are on medication for diabetes or hypertension, you may require lowered doses of medication after a significant period of time spent walking regularly. With lowered doses, you not only save money but reduce the likelihood of side-effects of medication. But please consult your doctor first before altering the dose.

As you walk you can even pray, worship, and praise God along the way but beware of traffic. Walk facing oncoming traffic. Better still walk in a park or garden where the air is fresher and there is no traffic. Try to incorporate walking during your lunch time break.

As a rough guide, the current American Heart Association/American College of Sports Medicine standards call for able-bodied adults to do moderate-intensity exercise (such as brisk walking) for at least 30 minutes on five days each week or intense aerobic exercise (such as running) for at least 20 minutes three days each week.

*Those above 40’s should consult a doctor before embarking on an exercise programme.
Disclaimer: The above is not intended to replace professional medical consultation.

How walking works
The cardiovascular benefits of walking are biologically plausible; like other forms of regular moderate exercise, walking improves cardiac risk factors such as cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, vascular stiffness and inflammation, and mental stress. And if cardiac protection and a lower death rate are not enough to get you moving, consider that walking and other moderate exercise programs also help protect against dementia, peripheral artery disease, obesity, diabetes, depression, colon cancer, and even erectile dysfunction.

The above, “How walking works”, is an excerpt from the original article from:

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  1. A year ago, a woman friend of mine,aged 57, discovered that one of the main arteries to her heart was totally blocked. Today she is still alive because all the 15 years that she had been faithfully walking three times a week had resulted in the formation of a network of healthy arteries around this failed artery and these arteries now act as a natural bypass to enable the heart to continue to receive blood. So walk.

    1. Yes, JC. Thanks for your input. Exercise, diet and stress management play an important part in managing coronary heart disease. However, these lifestyle modification measures should be used in conjunction with medical advice and treatment, not replace the latter.
      “As yet there is little direct proof that the growth of the coronary collateral circulation can be enhanced by physical or pharmacological means.”
      “Thallium studies in carefully selected patients with angina and no history of infarction have demonstrated an improvement in myocardial blood flow in ischaemic segments following exercise training.”
      The above “quote” is an extract from:

    2. “Exercise training does not stimulate growth of coronary collateral vessels in the normal heart. However, if exercise produces ischemia, which would be absent or minimal under resting conditions, there is evidence that collateral growth can be enhanced.”
      The above “quote” is an extract from:
